Kids & Youth

All children are welcome to St Annes on Sundays

Children start Sundays by staying with their parents and the whole church family for the first song and a “Family Spot”. Children will then be invited to join their age-appropriate program.

The children’s program finishes about 5-10 minutes after the end of the church service, to allow adults time to enjoy morning tea and conversations with others.

Little Bubs Corner

We understand that babies are loud, fussy and sometimes difficult to calm. This is how God made babies to be! That’s why we welcome babies at St Annes. We encourage parents with babies to remain in the main church gathering, even if their babies are making a bit of noise. We don’t want you to feel guilty or embarrassed for being a parent to a young child. However, if privacy or a quiet space is needed, our Little Bubs Corner is a room in the back of the auditorium where nursing mums can breastfeed and unsettled kids can have a breakout space. A changing table is available in the restrooms nearby.

Little Kids Bible Fun

Our LKBF group is our weekly Sunday program for children who are not yet in school. After the Family Spot, parents and carers will drop off their children to LKBF. The children will have time to play with toys, learn from the Bible through a Bible story and simple lesson, sing songs, make some crafts and make new friends.Adults are encouraged to leave their kids with the LKBF leaders to calm them if they are feeling unsettled. Where children need a nappy change or are very unsettled, we will call the parents and carers to come and comfort their kids.

Kids Bible Fun

Our KBF group is our weekly Sunday program for children from Kindy to year 6. After the Family Spot, the children follow the KBF leaders to the classrooms. The children will have time to play active games, learn from the Bible through reading the Bible and simple lessons, sing songs, make some crafts and make new friends. Where possible, we attempt to align the teaching program with the preaching schedule. This enables parents, carers and children to discuss and help each other understand what they’ve learnt from church that week.

Sunday Youth

High schoolers are invited to join the adults for the church service. This is a great opportunity for the youth to engage with what the adults are learning.

During the week

Playgroup @ St Annes

Come and join us for Playgroup @ St Annes! Parents, grandparents, and carers are invited to bring their children along (from babies through to pre-schoolers) to enjoy playtime, sing-along songs, musical instruments and movement, engaging Bible stories and morning tea together. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other local families and for your children to learn, explore and make new friends.

Reboot Youth Group

Our Reboot group is our weekly Friday night youth group for youth from year 6-12.

The youth meet at church on a Friday evening to cook and eat dinner together (or the occasional meal at Top Ryde), before spending time playing active games, learning from the Bible and praying.

Each year, Reboot attends the annual KYCK Conference in Katoomba, which is a gathering of thousands of other Christian teenagers for a weekend of spiritual encouragement and great fellowship.

Scripture in Schools (SRE)

St Annes has SRE teachers at 3 local primary schools: Ryde Public School, Meadowbank Public School and Smalls Road Public School. SRE teachers use an approved curriculum to teach the Bible to children at school during the week. We encourage all our parents to sign up their children to SRE classes (regardless of which school). This is another ministry which seeks to teach children in partnership with parents and carers.

Our Leaders and Safe Ministry

Our leaders are godly men and women who love Jesus and are a positive example for our children. All staff and volunteers involved in any children’s ministry at St Annes have verified working with children checks, have completed the compulsory Safe Ministry Training in line with the Sydney Anglican diocesan requirements, and receive ongoing training in their roles. Our Safe Ministry Representative is Tina Luo should you need to contact someone regarding Safe Ministry.