
Faith Explored
From Sunday 21st April, if you would like to read the bible with others and think about what real faith in Jesus looks like, we will have some open invitation bible studies on Sunday mornings after church. Child care available. It’s free and open for all! 

Kids’ Mega Day
Monday 29th April is the school Staff Development Day (=pupil free day), and we will be holding a one-day program for kids in K-6 at school. There will be games, crafts, activities, bible stories and great food. If you know of kids in primary school who might like to come along, please invites them!

Working Bee
We are having the first of our two working bees on Saturday 4th May. Many hands make light work. It’s our church together – let’s make sure it is well upkept. Even if you can only make a couple of hours, please come along! We will ‘down tools’ for Morning Tea at 10am.

New Playgroup in Term Two
From Monday 6th May, we will be (re)starting our outreach to families in Ryde with 0-5 year old children. It’s a ministry to mums, dads and caregivers in the Ryde community. Pray for Karen and the team as they make preparations.

10am Retreat
On the first weekend in July, our two 10am services will have a weekend away together down at the Youthworks site in Port Hacking. This will be our first time away since COVID, and it will be a great opportunity to deepen fellowships across our English and Mandarin services. One weekend away is the equivalent of half a year of Sundays in terms of face to face time! If you are a member of one of our 10am services, please mark this date in your diaries and plan to come!


  • Pray for our April sermon series, To the Ends of the Earth, as we hear from some of our Mission Partners teaching the Word and reporting back on what God is doing in their ministries! May the stories of our mission partners inspire us to mission here in Ryde!

  • Praise God for the many families with young children who connected in last weekend. May we continue to love and connect with them.

  • Pray for Cameron and Fiona and their mission teams serving in Tenterfield and Forster – may there be many new connections with Jesus for locals.

  • Please pray for members of our church who are ill, especially  Edie, Rosemary, Rosemary, Lorinda. Pray for those having surgery this week.
  • Give thanks for new members coming and joining our church family!

  • A prayer for community volunteers and community service organisations: “God our Father, thank you for the thousands of people who so generously give their time, energy and resources to serve the people of this city. Thank you for the charities that contribute so much to vulnerable community members. Please help each volunteer to know the joy that comes from making a difference in the lives of others and demonstrating your reflections of your love in practical ways. Please continue to supply the resources needed so that our community service organisations can continue their work. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

SOAP Bible Readings


Read Scripture daily, write a few thoughts, an application and then pray.


Suggested Reading

Southern Cross
This month’s diocesan magazine, Southern Cross, can be downloaded here

A good text about Forgiveness
KELLER, Tim: Forgive: Why Should I And How Should I?, Hodder and Stoughton, 2022


A Great Resource
These daily devotions, written by Glen Scrivener take the reader through the Bible, pointing to Jesus, warming the heart and encouraging us keep going as a Christian. A big thumbs up from Andrew. You can order a copy from Koorong.

 Words of Life by Timothy Ward